Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Perspective: Rainwater vs Greywater in San Diego
Prepare yourself for some wild numbers!
Check this out San Diego! You want to see a crazy cost comparison? Assume that you have a 2000 square foot house. Not crazy big for SD. At 600 gallons/1000 square foot/inch of rain, this looks like 12000 gallons of rainwater coming off your roof for the year. Assume you wanted to store most of it, and you have room for 9000 gallons of storage on your property (above ground, round plastic tanks are cheapest). You may want all the water to keep your 500 square foot lawn green (which wouldn't quite be enough anyway) or maybe you have a thriving food forest which is providing you with high quality organic food (that sounds delicious!)
If you add up all the $$ it's going to cost to install 9000 plus gallons of rainwater storage, it will be in excess of $10,000. If you want to tie it into a pump and feed it into the irrigation system that will add another $2000 or so.
That comes out to over $1/gallon.
Now let's look at shower greywater for a four person household:
Mom showers 15 minutes a day (are they using low flow showerheads (2gallons/minute)?) = 30 gallons/day
Dad showers 5 minutes a day = 10 gallons/day
2 kids at 20 minutes a day = 80 gallons/day
Total = 120 gallons/day x 365 gallons for the year = 44,000 gallons +/- for the year
If you are installing a permitted system for 2 showers to gravity flow into mulch basins on your property, this could add up to maybe $5K, on the high side. Note, you don't want to use this on your lawn!
That comes out to $0.11/gallon
Now if you want to compare that with water coming out of your tap. If you look at your water bill, you are charged per HCF (1 Hundred Cubic Feet = 748). Depending on which tier you are in and what city you live in this could be about $3-6/1HCF which adds up to about to between $0.0004 and $0.0008 per gallon.
Water is cheap San Diego. But everything comes at a cost! There's tons of literature about the cost of bringing water to San Diego from hundreds of miles away from the Colorado River and from the Delta up in Northern California. Make an informed decision.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Greywater: A Simple and Effective Resource for Water Starved San Diego
A basin designed to collect the water from the Laundry Machine at the drip line of the tree. This basin will be filled with mulch. |
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Justifying Rainwater Collection: Calculating the True Cost of Cheap Water
The other day I got a question that I get all the time. It is a good time to answer this question in a public forum, especially considering the rainy season is almost upon us. We can all benefit from changing the way we think about our water resources.
Q: In running the numbers for rain barrels, filling a 1500 gal barrel twice equals 3000 gal or 4 HCF. That's just under $15 (this is at tier 1 costs). which makes the payback for a $1500. system equal to 100 years.
These numbers are hiding a lot of costs that we are not thinking of as we turn on our tap and let the water flow out at pennies per gallon. What if we start to factor in some of these hidden costs? What would our cost/benefit analysis look like?
Some of you may be wondering if it is even possible to get 1500 gallons of water off your roof in our arid climate. The answer is ABSOLUTELY! Check out this amazing rule of thumb and compare it to your situation: A 1000 square foot roof will yield 600 gallons of water in only 1" of rain. It rains about 10" here in San Diego. So you can fill this tank up in less than a third of our rainy season, which means you may be able to fill it up THREE times even, if you can find something to use the water on in between rains.
Those are the basic nuts and bolts of this example system, but let's delve further into the cost of water. Consider that water in Southern California is excessively underpriced for its actual cost with regards to energy, environmental, and legal impact. You can decide for yourself whether or not you think this is a true statement after we consider some additional information. You could start by reading Cadillac Desert, by Marc Reisner to help you understand the intricacies of how and why our water infrastructure was built. As we become confronted with the reality of the related costs associated with cheap water, prices will raise significantly, and any conservation tactics we have put in place before that time will greatly reduce our dollar cost in the future.
Did you know only 20% of our water comes from local sources? The remaining 80% comes from both the Delta region up in the Bay Area and the Colorado River. This means a few things. First of all a drought that may be affecting other regions, and not us directly will certainly impact our water supply. Also, there are legal battles ensuing over Colorado River water and Delta region water than may reduce the amount of water coming to Southern California. Let's imagine you have a valuable investment like an established fruit tree, or many. If there are drought restrictions in place that limit how much you can water your garden (kind of like last summer), wouldn't that water in your 1500 gallon tank become more valuable to you as asset protection?
Did you know that 20% of California's energy costs are associated with moving water around the state, including the incredible feat of pumping our water supply from the State Water Project 1,926 ft over the Tehachapi Pass north of LA. So let's add some energy costs into the cost of getting our water out of the tap. Let's also factor in the benefit of having an emergency water supply on hand if power is disrupted for any reason for any length of time. Maybe that water supply is for protecting your established food production, or maybe it is even more valuable as a drinking supply. Can you calculate what bottled water will cost per gallon in an emergency and compare that to the cost per gallon of the water you have stored in your tank?
We have only been addressing water supply issues, but what about the value of mitigating storm drain runoff? How many of your tax dollars are allocated toward dealing with storm drain pollution, or even urban flooding associated with the massive volume of runoff created by paving over as much as 80% of our permeable surfaces in urban areas? If all of us put at least some of our rainwater from our roof into rainwater tanks, and then redirected the remainder of our runoff into our gardens, which were landscaped to hold water using basins, mulch, and appropriate plantings imagine how much money could be saved at many levels. Think of tax dollars and grant funding being used to clean up waterways that get inundated with polluted storm water. Think of tax dollars being used to repair and clean storm drains every season! Think of redirecting this money to funding education in schools and communities and rebates for systems that serve the double purpose of augmenting a limited local water supply!
Now if you are going to use this very expensive water source to keep your lawn green, you might not consider a rainwater tank cost effective, especially if we look at some very simple figures. Lawns typically require about 50" of water to stay green throughout the year. It rains about 10" here in SD. If you run the calculations of applying 40" of water to 500 square feet of lawn, you realize 13,000 gallons of precious water are required to keep that lawn green. It is hardly worth storing 1500 gallons, or even 3000 gallons to maintain this aesthetic. Why not get rid of the lawn and plant something that can be maintained with that 3000 gallons, like natives, or Mediterranean plants such as the Nifty 50. Native plants maintain a diminishing local ecology which is being threatened by paving and invasive plants.
There is great value to using our precious water resources to grow food locally. There is an even greater water footprint than what we see on our water bill every month, associated with goods and services we buy and support. Be on the lookout in the Union Tribune for an article about this in a couple of weeks. Try to imagine that an orange brought in from Florida has a higher fossil fuel cost, which has an associated water cost, than something grown here in California. Furthermore, an orange grown in an industrial agriculture setting will have a higher associated water cost than one grown in your backyard. Furthermore an orange grown on rainwater in your backyard will have the lowest water footprint of all!
For more information about these simple strategies and specifically what is possible in your own space, check out the upcoming Water Harvesting Tour this Saturday (http://www.facebook.com/events/408710185858142/)
or contact Brook Sarson with H2OME at brook@h2o-me.com to schedule a consultation!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Upcoming Events
Make Your Own Rain Barrel Workshop
Saturday, February 18, 2012. 10:00am-12:30pm
Location: City College
Are you ready for the rain? If you’ve been looking for a cost effective way of saving rainwater, we are offering a solution. Come and make your own rain barrel to take home!
We will provide clean, recycled, food grade 55 gallon plastic drums along with a kit of parts to tap it for a hose fitting on the bottom and an overflow on the top, as well as mosquito-proofing options. You will be able to drill your holes and assemble your barrel onsite.
The class will begin with an educational seminar covering various facets of water harvesting from understanding what your rainwater potential is, how to use your rainwater, how to accommodate runoff in your landscape, as well as greywater use and regulations.
The cost of the class is $75, If you would like to participate in the workshop but do not want to take home your own barrel, the cost is $25, sliding scale. If you would like to purchase an extra barrel and parts, the cost will be $50. Cash or check will be accepted. Don't forget that you can apply for you barrel rebate of $27! $5 of your fee will go to Seeds, the Urban Farm at City College to further the programs they offer.
This will be a great opportunity to connect with community members and learn more about using our water resources.
Please RSVP by Monday, February 11 to ensure your spot. Spaces are limited to the first 15 people to sign up. You can RSVP to brook@h2o-me.com or call 619.964.4838